Welcome back gang!
Take a listen to our Audio Episode Review of CNN 4.08 - Chuck Vs The Fear Of Death:
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Join Jan, Karen, Joe, and myself as we embark on our next Season 4 Audio Review.
Thanks to my fellow podcasters, Jan, Karen, and Joe. Hope you listeners will enjoy!
Miss any episodes? You can find them all at CNN - Chuck Nerdposium Netcast, and every time you watch it helps to support us!
Note: my written review for Chuck Vs The Fear Of Death can be found at ChuckTV - here.
As always this podcast is family and office safe.
Reviews of Genre based material be it books, movies, TV, music. or any form of media.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Narrative Nerve Pinch - Episode 4.08: Chuck Vs The Fear of Death
Written by Nicholas Wootton
Directed by Robert Duncan McNeil
Most frustrating episode ever.
Loved the guest stars. Loved the work of the cast, with one blameless exception. Loved the concept of Chuck being captured. Loved Sarah's reaction to Chuck's capture. Loved Casey and Morgan teaming up with Sarah to go find Chuck. Loved the action sequences.
Disappointed with the story narrative.
It is a given within the Chuckverse that fans have to relax their suspension of disbelief. We do it every week because the payoff is often worth it in terms of character moments and entertainment value. Each of us has our own subjective tipping point where the strain on credibility exceeds that disbelief threshold and disarms the entertainment payoff. For myself it revolves around whether or not the story beats being carried off feel honest to the characters or characters are made stupid to support the storyline.
In this episode we have Chuck unable to flash. In essence, an injured field agent with an indeterminate recovery period. So the notion that sending him in the field so injured, with minimal support, and gamble on the Pure Fear of Death restoring his flashing ability makes no sense. Even within the Chuckverse. This episode also reopens the series old question as to why Chuck is not being given traditional field training as a backup or supplement to his Intersect abilities.
It is illogical to put Chuck, a very unique and very valuable resource; an All Star if you will, in actual mortal danger. Beyond transparent dramatic ones. It is akin to sending a star injured baseball player out onto the outfield with a broken catching arm and telling him to perform the same duties with his other arm. Without a catching glove. It also makes General Beckman incompetent and makes her a transparent story device; harming the character in the process.
There are many less credibility straining story lines to get Chuck to a position where he ends up captured. Could not the same result been achieved by duping Chuck into thinking he was on a real mission instead as one example? Throw all these factors together and for me that suspension of disbelief tipping point is exceeded. If you were able to accept the storyline then obviously this episode will work much better for you.
What was really interesting about the episode was that the diagnosis for Chuck's inability to flash seems to be a false one. That false assumption being that whatever the MamaB PSP Intersect Upgrade did to Chuck has suppressed the Intersect. Laboratory methods fail to work so Agent Rye's Pure Fear of Death hypothesis is given a go. By now questions about Chuck's character in terms of bravery and self-confidence have been answered several times over. So further exploration of these themes is redundant. Especially if the flashing problem turns out to simply a technical one. It may just be a matter of software incompatibility between Intersect 2.0, which PapaB did not work on, and the PSP update.
Based on what we saw in this episode it seems most probable that the suppression theory of the Intersect is wrong. Chuck faced multiple moments of danger but still was unable to flash.
- 'What was the point of the water?'
- 'That sounds like candor.'
- Summer Glau as Greta = hotness
- Casey developing itchy trigger finger because he has not been on a mission for a month
- Ninjas!
- 'Agent Rye. Jim Rye.'
- 'Physical. Psychological. Painful. Brutal.' 'Let's get physical.'
- Sarah 'flashing' on Spy School training Karate Kempo forms
- 'Mama....mia'
- Sarah's exasperated, 'Then there's no safety net!'
- You say GON-DOH-LA , I say GON-DOLA
- 'Sir. You are already the highest bidder.'
- 'Operation. Get A Greta'
- Star Trek Neck Nerve Pinch Reference!
- Chucksicle
- Chuck takes an online gemology class. 'Very convenient.'
- Alex and Casey talking about friendship
- 'Just curious. Which one do you think is the pyschotic one?'
- 'Greta to the cage.' lured by a Subway sub
- Gstaad!
- Casey rescuing Jeff & Lester
- Casey dressing down Greta and calling on their history with previous crews
- 'Did I just get shot?' Bye, bye, Rye.
- Richard Chamberlain menacing as Chuck's captor
- Angry Sarah!
- Casey and Morgan telling Sarah 'We'll go together,' to find Chuck. Great family moment.
Summer Glau was fun to watch too even if the amount of screen time and storyline of the BuyMore took away precious screen time that could have been better used in the main storyline. With Jeff and Lester cluing into the constant succession of Gretas, does this spell the end of the Greta concept?
Robert Riggle was a hoot as a manic version of Crocodile Hunter mixed with Dr. Phil. His over the top zest for being a spy was entertaining to watch and his character will be missed. Too bad he was not used in a sensible storyline.
What saves this episode, that seems to be mostly smoke screen because everything that happened in it is based on a false assumption about the Intersect issue, is the last five minutes. Once Chuck is captured the story narrative really springs to life. Sarah has her best moments, angrily defiant to anyone that gets in her way of finding Chuck. Casey's nonverbal reactions to her outburst spoke volumes and when he and Morgan showed up, not to confront Sarah, but to offer their aid and support; it is one of the series's great, 'characters as a family,' moments.
One of the story ideas fans having been waiting for awhile, Chuck or Sarah being captured for an extended length of time and being rescued by the other, is finally in play. While this episode did not generate the same level of tension and excitement that the end of Chuck Vs The Fat Lady did when Casey and Sarah thought Chuck had been captured by Jill, the promos for the next episode – Chuck Vs Phase 3 - look to fulfill, if not exceed, expectations as Sarah goes Rambo on a Chuck Rescue.
Monday, November 22, 2010
FBI(Fringe Benefits Inc.)Ep Review - 3.06: 6955 KHz
Join us in our temporarily constructed shared reality known as a podcast, as we discuss the latest episode of Fringe.
FBI(Fringe Benefits Inc.)Ep Review - 3.05: Amber 31422
Join us in our temporarily constructed shared reality known as a podcast, as we discuss the latest episode of Fringe.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
CNN Season 4 Bonus Ep - Jan Vs ChuckFest2!
Welcome back gang!
No episode of Chuck this week to review but instead a SPECIAL BONUS EPISODE of CNN as Jan aka happydayz3 recounts her ChuckFest2 experience.
To launch - click HERE.
Miss any episodes? You can find them all at CNN - Chuck Nerdposium Netcast, and every time you watch it helps to support us!
As always this podcast is family and office safe.
No episode of Chuck this week to review but instead a SPECIAL BONUS EPISODE of CNN as Jan aka happydayz3 recounts her ChuckFest2 experience.
To launch - click HERE.
Miss any episodes? You can find them all at CNN - Chuck Nerdposium Netcast, and every time you watch it helps to support us!
As always this podcast is family and office safe.
CNN - 4.07: Chuck Vs The First Fight
Welcome back gang!
Take a listen to our Audio Episode Review of Episode 4.07: Chuck Vs The First Fight:
To launch - click HERE.
Join Jan, Karen, Joe, and myself as we embark on our next Season 4 Audio Review.
Thanks to my fellow podcasters, Jan, Karen, and Joe. Hope you listeners will enjoy!
Miss any episodes? You can find them all at CNN - Chuck Nerdposium Netcast, and every time you watch it helps to support us!
Note: my written review for Chuck Vs The First Fight can be found at ChuckTV - here.
As always this podcast is family and office safe.
Take a listen to our Audio Episode Review of Episode 4.07: Chuck Vs The First Fight:
To launch - click HERE.
Join Jan, Karen, Joe, and myself as we embark on our next Season 4 Audio Review.
Thanks to my fellow podcasters, Jan, Karen, and Joe. Hope you listeners will enjoy!
Miss any episodes? You can find them all at CNN - Chuck Nerdposium Netcast, and every time you watch it helps to support us!
Note: my written review for Chuck Vs The First Fight can be found at ChuckTV - here.
As always this podcast is family and office safe.
A Fistful of Fakeouts - Episode 4.07: Chuck Vs The First Fight
Written by Lauren LeFranc & Rafe Judkins
Directed by Allan Kroeker
Well played Chuck showrunners. Not only did you throw a curve ball at us, diverting us from the obvious Dalton as the baddie casting connection, with Timothy Dalton playing a frumpy MI6 Handler by the name of Tuttle; you simultaneously deked us out about the title and how it would play out in the episode.Well played.
Move over Dream Job, I now have a favorite new episode. All things Chuck just work so much better when the spine of the show is based on a compelling spy story. The humor flows more naturally and feels funnier, the nerd references have more pop, the relationships gain more emotional weight, character motivations are often in conflict with the spy story creating extra layers of tension, and the weaknesses of the show diminish; if not vanish altogether. Conversely when the spine of the show is based on the relationship between Chuck and Sarah those very same elements rarely work together as well. The reason for that bears further examination.
It is oft quoted that the Chuck and Sarah relationship is the heart of the show. (I like to think that heart also includes all the relationships of which, indisputably, the Chuck and Sarah is the major one.) But to paraphrase the original Star Trek episode, 'The Trouble with Tribbles,' 'Too much of anything, even love, is not a good thing.' Those loveable but prolific tribbles soon inhabited every corner of the screen distracting the characters from the real threat. After three Chuck episodes in a row(4.02 – 4.04) that focused on Chuck and Sarah, even the most die hard relationship fans were ready for a change of pace. That is because the spy stories ended up being generic and not emotionally engaging for the principal characters and by extension, the audience. There was no sense of danger. No tension.
When the spy mission is the spine of the story, comments about the show firing on all cylinders or being a balanced episode are often seen. Why is that? It is because all the characters are on equal footing in such episodes. When the episode is based on a relationship issue between Chuck and Sarah the only characters directly involved are, obviously, Chuck and Sarah. This focus creates an imbalance or barrier between the leads and the other characters. The other characters are hobbled from the get go. They can either only be involved in the main storyline from an indirect vantage point or the episode must contain a separate storyline for them. Which dilutes both storylines.
Things go even better when all the elements that go into making a show come together to create something that is greater than the individual sum of the parts. It is rather magical. Always hoped for. Occasionally happens. Can never be manufactured. Casting the right person for a part and having that person not only handle the role but go beyond what was envisioned is every show's hope. Timothy Dalton as Tuttle, aka Volkoff, is one of those moments.
Dalton brings such an energy, such a glee, such a joy of life to the screen that it synergistically affects the other actors around him. Dalton's scenes with Zac Levi were so much fun to watch. As his reveal at the end of the episode. Amazing. Also amazing is what a little change in wardrobe, hair style, and body language can bring to an actor. Scott Bakula had the same transformative moment in Season Two's Dream Job when he went from being PapaB to Orion. Tuttle becomes Volkoff and those preconceived images the audience had of Dalton because of his Bond heritage served that reveal moment well. Too bad the Tuttle character has been lost so quickly but par for the course on a show where plot elements are often burnt through so rapidly. Tuttle was a lot of fun.
Episode Flashes: Add your own in the comments.
- Sarah distracted by MamaB during briefing with Beckman
- 'calm' Chuck
- Phalanx computer and triangular? discs
- Chuck 'waltzes in' by Tom, Jerry, Casey & other agents to see MamaB in the Castle
- Sarah turns a high heel spike into a weapon, Morgan pays the price
- 'Morgan, please don't touch my chest.'
- 'I'm sorry. The code one more time.'
- Morgan, unlike Chuck, confronts Casey about their 'First Fight'
- 'Do I get to parachute out of a plane on a horse?'
- Subtle, undercover Morgan dropping ear piece into glass of water
- Tuttle and the plastic fork, 'I'd like to apologize for addressing you in a harsh tone.'
- 'Had my first sexual experience while watching Lawrence of Arabia.' Tuttle cracks under threat of torture
- 'Oh cool! A tiny weapons standoff!'
- Close quarters plane fight and another big guy prove too much for the Intersect.
- Tuttle's 'Here! Catch!' knife throw
- Morgan brokers a deal with MamaB. 'I haven't had a decent Rice Krispie square since..'
- Tuttle teases Chuck about only have one parachute
- 'Thrilling! Reminds me of that episode of Alias. I loved that show!'
- Sheep truck bonding
- Ellie and MamaB meet and talk, Sarah listens
- MamaB tells Ellie about the car that matches the one in the paper
- The Indestructible Woman! Scars and beauty marks!
- Sarah's exasperated, 'Is there anybody you didn't tell about our fight?'
- Morgan accepts Casey 'apology'
- Sarah a bit behind on social media with a 'Friendsters' shoutout
- 'Fighting with you is exhausting.'
- Chuck and Sarah fight through their 'First Fight'
- Tuttle is shot!
- MamaB zaps Chuck with some form of Intersect update via a PSP!
- 'There is no Tuttle, Charles.' Volkoff unveiled!
- Chuck cannot flash. No more Intersect or?
- PapaB narrates letter left for Ellie
- Ellie ends up with a present not only from PapaB but Orion too
This episode also demonstrated that bringing Morgan into the spy world is the right choice. Morgan's struggle with the earpiece and glass of water was very funny. The Morgan/Casey 'First Fight' was carried out with aplomb; like the Chuck and Sarah fight; and resolved 'in mission', in ways that befitted both groups of characters. And Ellie! Ahhh Ellie. Is this a sign of things to come? Is Ellie really going to play a role in the spy world or will she simply carry a baton for a short bit? I hope the right answer is the first choice. Each time we get a glimpse of Sarah Lancaster's acting ability it becomes ever more painful when she sinks back down into the background again. With Chuck in Intersect limbo could Ellie's neuroscience abilities along with the Orion laptop left in the car become the story tool to unlock Chuck? The sharing and familial bonding that could occur in such a storyline gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. Imagine how it would play out if Ellie was actively involved in those moments!
Laura Lefranc and Rafe Judkins continue to demonstrate their skill in handling not just the characters but their ability to interweave previous events from the show into their most current writing assignment. They also have the comedy down pat and this time really shone with the mission storyline.
Chuck and Sarah could be facing their toughest challenge yet. Hanging on to their personal and professional lifes in a world where Chuck can no longer access or has the Intersect.
Chuck the show, and Chuck the character, finally has an adversary to take note of in Volkoff.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
CNN - 4.06: Chuck Vs The Aisle of Terror
Welcome back gang!
Take a listen to our Audio Episode Review of Episode 4.06: Chuck Vs The Aisle of Terror:
To launch - click HERE.
Join Jan, Karen, Joe, and myself as we embark on our next Season 4 Audio Review.
Thanks to my fellow podcasters, Jan, Karen, and Joe. Hope you listeners will enjoy!
Miss any episodes? You can find them all at CNN - Chuck Nerdposium Netcast, and every time you watch it helps to support us!
Note: my written review for Chuck Vs The Aisle of Terror can be found at ChuckTV - here.
As always this podcast is family and office safe.
Take a listen to our Audio Episode Review of Episode 4.06: Chuck Vs The Aisle of Terror:
To launch - click HERE.
Join Jan, Karen, Joe, and myself as we embark on our next Season 4 Audio Review.
Thanks to my fellow podcasters, Jan, Karen, and Joe. Hope you listeners will enjoy!
Miss any episodes? You can find them all at CNN - Chuck Nerdposium Netcast, and every time you watch it helps to support us!
Note: my written review for Chuck Vs The Aisle of Terror can be found at ChuckTV - here.
As always this podcast is family and office safe.
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