A nerd before the birth of TOS Red Shirts, I share my thoughts on genre media be it books, movies, TV shows, etc

Saturday, March 19, 2011

ODONTV Podcast 6 - The Hunger Games Trilogy

The sixth ODONTV podcast on the current state of TV and, this time, movies!

The True Blush Girls - Emily and Mary - drop by to chat about writer's Suzanne Collins hot Young Adult fiction trilogy - The Hunger Games which is currently being adapted into a movie trilogy.

We discuss the books, the attraction of the series, which book was our favorite, the characters, and the daunting task of bringing these books to the silver screen.

Leave us feedback here or on Twitter:

Emily - @Yokaputo
Mary - @mary3s
Lou - @olddarth

Intro music - Fool's Overture by SuperTramp
Exit music - Sirius/Eye In Sky by The Alan Parsons Project

On the run all the time? A commuter? Listen to the portable version
via iTunes - Portable Version.

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