A nerd before the birth of TOS Red Shirts, I share my thoughts on genre media be it books, movies, TV shows, etc

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dresden Debts

Finished the 7th book in the Dresden series - Dead Beat.  Seeds laid in the previous book come to the forefront right away in this book.

The mystery of the sigil burned into the palm of Dresden's burned hand is craftily revealed and with it comes the promise of greater power in a time when Harry needs it the most badly.  Halloween Eve is coming and with it the bad guys - this time necromancers - are up to evil on such a scale that war on the Wizard Council is but part of a feint for a more devious plan.

Balanced against all of this and the lure of greater power is the certainty that if Harry goes down that path he will lose himself to fallen angel Lasciel.  She is also known as the Seducer, the Webweaver and the Temptress.

Harry's little dog is not so little anymore and guards his master well.  A new character, Butters - a timid one man polka playing band - is a techie that ends up becoming much more of a fighter than even Harry thought he could be.  

Handled far more slowly and carefully is the relationship between Harry and Murphy.  She takes off with the mercenary Kincaid from the last book; reading between the lines in an attempt to get some form of reaction out of Harry.  Even though she is absent from most of the book, all of Harry's actions are predicated on protecting Murphy.  During the course of the story Harry is forced by his half-brother to confront his feelings about Murphy even though nothing is resolved when the two of them meet at the end of the book.

But I can't wait to see Murphy's reaction when she finds out she was the reason Dresden took all the risks he did in this story.  If she does find out that is.  My money is on her finding out.

Really enjoying the character arc and growth for Harry.  His power has grown substantially from the first book and so too have the choices Harry has to make.  And the price he has to pay.


This Friday we are heading to Lake Louise out in the Rockies for the weekend.  It's a four hour drive from home and I was hoping by the end of March that the worst of winter was behind us.  But it's been the second coming of winter with snow falling on consecutive days and more in the forecast.  

This could be an interesting trip.

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