A nerd before the birth of TOS Red Shirts, I share my thoughts on genre media be it books, movies, TV shows, etc

Monday, March 14, 2011

FBI(Fringe Benefits Inc.)Ep Review - 3.16: Os -
'Of Bells & Bongs'

A 'Family' forged by Fate, faces their Fears & Foibles
amid the Freaky & the Fantastic.

Join Frea, Jan, Lou, & Maximus in our temporarily constructed shared alternate reality known as a podcast, as we discuss the latest episode of Fringe.

Leave us feedback here or on Twitter:

Frea - @Frea_O
Jan - @happydayz3
Lou - @olddarth
Maximus - @mxpw999

On the run all the time? A commuter? Listen to our portable version
via iTunes - Alternate Reality Version.


Crumbles said...

I think it's actually in 02E04 "Momentum Deferred" that Olivia remembers her meeting with William Bell. That's when he uses the bell and the tea.

Old Darth said...

You are absolutely correct.

John said...

Do you have an RSS feed for those of us who do not use iTunes?


Old Darth said...

Hi John.

There is one available over at FringeTV - http://podcasts.fringetelevision.com/



Old Darth said...

PS. John - added a RSS feed here to but that gives everything that is posted here, not just Fringe.

John said...

Thanks. I pull it from the Fringe TV site.