A nerd before the birth of TOS Red Shirts, I share my thoughts on genre media be it books, movies, TV shows, etc

Sunday, October 10, 2010

FBI(Fringe Benefits Inc.)Ep Review - 3.03: The Plateau

Join us in our temporarily constructed shared reality known as a podcast, as we discuss the latest episode of Fringe.


Christine65 said...

thanks Jan & Lou for reviewing the show this week...

You both touched on just about everything I thought as well...

FYI, the injection thing on Charlie, it parallels an episode from Season 1 called Unleashed. Charlie gets injected with larvae from this animal that gets loose from an animal experimentation lab. Walter finds the cure against this worm-like larvae thing that had infected Charlie.

I take it 'over there' they don't ultimately cure it, but he has to take injections. The 'over there' infestations are arachnids instead of worm larvae.

I had to look up what the episode was, I don't have THAT good of photographic memory. I just remembered the gist of that Charlie episode :)

Until Next Week!!

Old Darth said...

Thanks Chris.

Your description of Charlie's injection does ring a bell.
